I help clients write, edit, submit, and re-submit research manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals.
Clients provide starting material that ranges from a rough outline to a complete manuscript. I can also assist with figure preparation, statistical analyses, and writing or editing rebuttals for manuscript re-submission. Being listed as an author depends on my contributions.
Some recent examples:

Constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity: limits and costs of phenotype and plasticity
My Contribution
This paper resulted from a working group at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center. I helped formulate ideas underlying the paper and edited the paper.

Breath gas metabolites and bacterial metagenomes from cystic fibrosis airways indicate active pH neutral 2,3-butanedione fermentation
My Contribution
I helped interpret data, prepare figures, write sections of the manuscript, and edit complete manuscript drafts. I was involved from early draft stage through proof corrections.

Discovery and ecogenomic context of a global Caldiserica-related phylum active in thawing permafrost
My Contribution
I helped write sections of the manuscript and edited complete manuscript drafts. I was involved from early draft stage through proof corrections.

Before platelets: the production of platelet-activating factor during growth and stress in a basal marine organism
My Contribution
My contribution: I helped write sections of the manuscript and edited complete manuscript drafts. I was involved from early draft stage through proof corrections.

Comparison of Co-housing and Littermate Methods for Microbiota Standardization in Mouse Models
My Contribution
I analyzed the sequence data to characterize and compare microbiomes. I helped with results interpretation and manuscript editing. I was involved from complete draft stage through post-review manuscript revision and resubmission.

Viral Ecogenomics of Arctic Cryopeg Brine and Sea Ice
My Contribution
I helped write sections of the manuscript and edited complete manuscript drafts. I was involved from early draft stage through post-review manuscript revision.

Microbiome Data Science: Understanding Our Microbial Planet
My Contribution
I edited the manuscript for clarity and commented on its contents.

Stepwise metamorphosis of the tubeworm Hydroides elegans is mediated by a bacterial inducer and MAPK signaling
My Contribution
I edited the manuscript for clarity and commented on its contents.

Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea
My Contribution
I edited the manuscript for clarity and commented on its contents.